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Louisiana - U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts

Population estimates, July 1, 2024, (V2024).. 4,597,740 ...

Louisiana - Wikipedia

Of the 50 U.S. states, it ranks 31st in area and 25th in population, with roughly 4.6 million residents. Reflecting its French heritage, Louisiana is the only ...

Louisiana - Census Bureau Profile

Populations and People. Total Population. 4,657,757 · Income and Poverty. Median Household Income · Education. Bachelor's Degree or Higher · Employment. Employment ...

Louisiana Population 2025

Louisiana's population trends show significant urban shifts and coastal losses. While East Baton Rouge Parish remains the largest parish at 445,000 residents, ...

Demographics and Geography - The official website of Louisiana

This is the Census Bureau's reference mapping tool that includes all geographic areas and features with 2010 population and housing unit counts.

Louisiana population by year, county, race, & more | USAFacts

The ages, races, and population density of Louisiana tell a story. Understand the shifts in demographic trends with these charts visualizing decades of ...

Alligator Management | Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Through LDWF's extensive research and wise management that includes sustainable wild harvest and alligator farming, Louisiana's wild alligator population has ...

Immigration drives nation's population growth • Louisiana Illuminator

Dec 20, 2024 ... Immigration produced all or almost all the population growth in 18 states between mid-2023 and mid-2024. Nationally, the population grew by 3.3 ...

Louisiana profile | Prison Policy Initiative

For annual counts of people in jails held for federal or state authorities in Louisiana, see our table "Jail and prison incarcerated populations by state over ...

Louisiana's Uninsured Population: December 2021 Parish Estimates

This report from the Louisiana Health Insurance Survey (LHIS) 2021 presents the uninsured rates for children and adults in all 64 parishes in Louisiana.
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